Hello, gentle reader.
It has been quite a week for the team at iSEC Partners, NCC Group and Artemis. We have had a total of ten talks at Black Hat and Defcon. While the opportunity to interact with our colleagues and contribute to the discussion in this way is an incredible honor, I have to admit that I’m ready to get home. For easy reference, I wanted to post the two talks in which I was involved.
First off is the Black Hat USA 2013 talk I gave with Tom Ritter and Javed Samuel, called “The Factoring Dead“. In this talk we discuss the latest advances in academic research and how that could imperil the trust we place in two critical algorithms, RSA and Diffie-Hellman.
Below is my Defcon talk. This is a more personal topic on the ethics of our industry, and I hope you find it useful.
Posted from the Rio Hotel, Las Vegas, NV